


CAPIO invites you to submit your videos for the 2024 Star Awards
Entry deadline extended to July 19

CAPIO is excited to share that the Southern California and Nevada chapter of NATOA (National Association of Telecommunications Officers of America) has asked CAPIO to help administer their 2024 Star Awards. These awards recognize excellence in government video programming in 41 categories including Community Event Coverage, Best City | County Services Information Video, Human Interest, Public Safety, PSA, Sports Programming, Ethnic Interest, Election Coverage, Parks & Recreation and more.

Qualifications for entering:


Fresno County Communications Team Wins 2024 Frank Potter Cowan Crisis Communicator of the Year Award

The California Association of Public Information Officers (CAPIO) has awarded the Fresno County Communication Team the 2024 Frank Potter Cowan Crisis Communicator of the Year Award for their extraordinary efforts to educate the public on the dangers of winter storms that struck the County in 2023. The number of atmospheric storms that impacted the Central Valley and the County had severe public safety scenarios that could have led to a more significant loss of life and injuries. The Fresno County Communications Team provided vital warnings and educational information on easy-to-reach channels to get the word out.


2023 Paul B. Clark Achievement Award Winner
Christine Brainerd, MPA, APR

Monterey, Calif., – Christine Brainerd, MPA, APR, was awarded the California Association of Public Information Officials (CAPIO) 2023 Paul B. Clark Achievement Award on May 3. Brainerd was honored for her commitment to leadership and mentorship within the communications field. 

“The only surprise to hearing that Christine was receiving this award was that she hadn’t received it already,” said CAPIO 2023-2024 President Lael Wageneck. “Her contributions to CAPIO and public communications are immeasurable. While the Paul B. Clark Award is essentially a lifetime achievement award, we look forward to many more years of Christine’s leadership and commitment to the profession.”