Strategic Communications: A 7-Point Checkup for Your Communications and Outreach Program
When it comes to effective communications and outreach, most public-sector agencies have the implementation down to a science. In fact, we sometimes get so excited to execute, we forget the most important first step: Assessment.
Assessing your agency’s communication program requires analysis that helps you deeply evaluate your communication and outreach efforts to assure you are spending taxpayer money wisely and effectively. During this webinar, you will learn how to develop a measurable communications plan that will showcase value to your organization.
Key take-aways:
- Understanding your audience
- Crafting key messages
- Undertaking a communications audit
- Evaluating department operations, including staff time, budget and other resources
- Reviewing your results using research, such as surveys and interviews
All participants will receive a copy of “Get Your Assessment in Gear,” a handy 12-page how-to document for assessing your program.
Course qualifies for CAPIO Certificate in communications:
required course: strategic communications
Date Recorded: May 26, 2020
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