Welcome New Board Members for 2020-2022 duplicate

CAPIO is pleased to announce the newly elected board members serving the 2020-2022 term. CAPIO’s Board of Directors is elected by the membership each spring. Board terms are two years, with approximately half of the positions rotating each year.
Join us in welcoming:

2020-2021 President – Maurice Chaney
President Elect | Treasurer – Erin Morales
VP Conference – Tom Christensen
Education and Development Chair– Christine Brainerd, APR
Website Chair – Michelle Adams
Southern CA Regional and Membership Director – Grace Cardenas
Social Media Chair – Christina Byrne

The new board members will join the continuing Board Members for the 2020-2021 year:

Past President – Amy Williams
VP Awards – Teresa Collins
Communications Chair – Sarah Macdonald
Central CA Regional and Membership Director - Thomas Reeves
Northern CA Membership Chair – Pam Allen
Northern CA Regional Director – Rhea Salvaldor

Thank you to everyone who ran for a board position – we are grateful to have so many members interested in getting more involved!


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