Community Connects in New Pollinator Patch


Feature article by Desert Water Agency 

Desert Water Agency, Palm Springs’ water provider, recently collaborated with the local high school’s art department and Sustainable Garden Club, along with local businesses to install an eco-friendly pollinator garden outside its office building. Students and community members planted the garden, donated materials and painted a colorful forty-foot mural to accentuate the landscape. The donated garden design incorporated native and water efficient plants, including a Monarch and Queen butterfly host plant, rush milkweed. 

The agency marked the opening of the garden with a community celebration that drew hundreds. Party goers enjoyed a band, face painting, chalk art, crafts, seed planting, snacks, infused water and more. The community and business partners who helped make the garden possible also attended the event. The Palm Springs High School and Palm Springs Sustainability Commission brought their green thumbs and helped butterfly habitat grow by accepting donations for pollinator plants.

Why would a water agency invest time and resources into planting a pollinator garden? While promoting more sustainable landscaping is one piece of the puzzle, this community garden boasts many benefits.

Palm Springs is a community that truly cares about its environment and future generations. Desert Water Agency received a call from an engaged citizen who wanted to know if the Agency would showcase rush milkweed in its garden to benefit butterflies and to promote awareness. DWA was eager to support locals working toward a noble, conservation-minded goal but wanted to be sure the project made an impact. 

“We didn’t want to just place the plants on our property with a small sign and call it a success,” said Board President and local architect, Jim Cioffi. “We wanted to really draw attention to this low water use option on a permanent basis.”

This was a community-based project that called attention to a global issue with local impacts. The garden is home to the mural and fliers with information about the types of pollinators people can expect to see in the desert region. It also provides a ‘how-to’ for those interested in developing a pollinator patch of their own. DWA was proud to empower people to make a difference with their landscape, in more ways than one.

Families under blue tents on asphalt working on crafts projects.Families watching woman dressed like monarch butterfly on stilts.


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